Prem Rawat: What are the chances that the components of this dirt (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, calcium, phosphorus), all these coming together and making you? What are the chances? Whoa. All this dust got brought together and you were created. You were out, and you took...
Explore Prem Rawat’s thoughts on the topic of ‘potential’.
29 secs
The Three Worlds
Prem Rawat: Let me tell you the story of the human being – who, in the heart of their hearts, desires peace. The fact that you like peace, that you would even entertain the thought of having peace in your life, is magnificent. I want to tell you something. There is...
You Are Irreplaceable
Prem Rawat: There are people on the face of this earth who are very rich. There are people on the face of this earth who are very poor! There are people who are very educated; there are people who are not very educated. There are people who are very nice! There are...
The Road Less Noisy
Prem Rawat: First of all, see if you can identify the noise. Do you get hit by the noise? We all do. Now, let’s see who’s in charge. Tell the noise to shut up. If it does, congratulations; you’re in charge. If it doesn’t?! You’ve got problems. You are not in charge –...
Prem Rawat: Each one of you has a tape playing in your head. (In my book, I call it “noise.”) You allowed that tape recorder to record. I’m not saying it’s your fault. Because that’s also your nature. You were given an empty tape recorder: “Record.” And you recorded...
The Incredible Opportunity
Prem Rawat: Collectively, as human beings on the face of this earth, appreciating what you have is more important than appreciating what you don’t have. The truth is, (and I may be a little strong, so I ask for your forgiveness if you’re offended by it, but I have to...
The Candle and the Flame
Prem Rawat: When you take one candle and light it — and from that candle, you take that candle to an unlit candle and you light that candle. And then you take that first candle that you lit, and then you light the second candle. And the third candle, and the fourth...
Make It Count
Prem Rawat: You know, to me, it’s very much like you come on a stage. So, there is a door, and you walk through the door and you find yourself on a stage. And maybe you have to take a few steps to actually get onto the stage. And then you look around and you go, “Hmm,...
True prosperity
Whenever there was prosperity without peace, that prosperity didn’t last very long. You want prosperity? I know everybody wants prosperity. But true prosperity will never come without true peace. And that’s why peace is important for all of us on this planet, not just...
To make peace
I started speaking about peace when I was four years old. I have been traveling the world and trying to communicate about peace for forty-nine years. I have come across people from all walks of life. And what is always surprising is all the ideas that people have...
This one life
What we have is unique, is precious, including our life, this one life that we have—and we have to make the most of it. And to make the most of it, it is not only the technology, but also the fulfillment from the heart, from inside. Then, we will ha>ve a balance....
The seeds of good
Every human being has something to offer; every human being has something to contribute which is good. We have in us bad, and we have in us good. A field, if not taken care of, will grow something! It won’t be edible—it’ll be weeds—but it will grow something. Plant...
The mountain
You are a human being. You have a certain power. You have a certain strength. Problems are like clouds. They come; they go. Sometimes they’re big; sometimes they’re small. Sometimes they’re not there. Sometimes they’re there everywhere. But the mountain that sits on...
The grand party
There is something constant. And all the days you’re going to be alive on the face of this earth—all the days—how many are there? Even if you live to be a hundred years old, how many days is that? Thirty-six thousand, five hundred. Take 365, put two zeros at the end,...
The expert
Are we honest with ourselves? I mean, we—you know, I tell that story about the guy who’s an archer, and he goes from village to village exhibiting his, you know, archery. And as he goes, people gather and they applaud, and so on—this is one of my favorite stories. So,...
You are alive! There is nothing more interesting than being alive. There is nothing more juicy than being alive! There is nothing more profound than being alive! Because you are alive, all the potential, all the hope, all the clarity, all the light, all the...
Heaven and hell
I say to people all around the world ... “Look, heaven is right here! Heaven is right here! And if you haven’t found it, you’re in hell!” (That’s my definition of heaven and hell.) It’s ... it’s not about getting baked.... It’s not about getting fried; it’s not about...
A new friend
The first person you have to make friends with is you. You cannot make friends with other people if you are not friendly with yourself. This is why it’s important to know yourself. You know the whole world, but you don’t know yourself. Number 1 point - Know Yourself....

PEAK: My interactive course to help you discover the peace that resides within you
Watch the ten short introductory videos