
Explore Prem Rawat’s thoughts on the topic of ‘self-knowledge’.

29 secs

What you think you know

What you think you know

01:48 mins

Do you know the self? Because if you know the self, then you will know what you need to do to get back to being who you truly are. The journey to become you is a journey back. It is undoing! Learning is very little new information. Undoing what you think you know...

What you know

What you know

04:27 mins

A man once had a question about the Divine, and he went to a wise man and he said, “You’re a wise man. Tell me, where is the Divine?” So the wise man said, “Okay.” So he called his servant, and he said, “Bring me a big thing of salt.” The servant brought a big thing...

The most powerful friend

The most powerful friend

02:35 mins

Started ... when I was nine years old ... talking to people. And I hope ... I have made a difference ... in your perspective ... [From audience: Yes.] in your understanding: that you have the solution; that you ... need to be ... in heaven ... every day ... that you...

The miserable club

The miserable club

02:35 mins

In your life, you think of yourself as “me, the unique me,” right? “My unique problem, my unique challenge, my unique this, my....” You know, and on a bad day you go, “Oh God, why is this happening to me?” Right? You’ve all been through that. I have. That’s why I...

Point within

Point within

59 secs

You have this treasure trove in you. Everyone, everyone does. Everyone does. But we’re not in touch with it; we’re in touch with everything else. And the world helps us. Very few of us actually get an opportunity to say, “Look, search for it.” You know? We ask our...

Nothing trivial

Nothing trivial

05:35 mins

Who are we? Maybe I should talk about that. So, don’t think this is un- significant. We’re dirt. Why do you laugh? Because you don’t understand the value of dirt. Dirt is the most significant thing there is. Do you know? You know why?! Because the entire universe is...

Human wisdom

Human wisdom

02:18 mins

Human wisdom is about simplicity: If you are thirsty, drink water. If you’re tired, rest. If you’re confused, seek clarity! If you’re in the darkness, seek light. If you’re in sadness, seek joy. This is human wisdom! This is human wisdom. Does it work for dogs? They...

Know where you are

Know where you are

05:41 mins

You see, my friends, you will never, ever live in tomorrow—ever! Never. And if you don’t believe me, stay up all night; watch your clock. And tonight at twenty-three fifty-nine, fifty-nine, when tomorrow will be precisely one second away, one second later it will have...

Defining your self

Defining your self

01:03 mins

What have you really understood in your life? Who are you? What are you? When you hear that, “Do you know your self,” what does that mean? Is it some definition that somebody’s going to plunk in your head? Is it going to be something that somebody sitting or standing...



03:36 mins

Beautiful saying from Gandhi, “Eye for an eye, and the whole world will go blind.” That’s what I’m seeing! Eye for an eye— “He did this; you did this; you did this; you did this.” The world’s going blind! And that’s what will happen. And you know, the incredible thing...

A disciple of experience

A disciple of experience

04:17 mins

How many of you have heard of Leonardo da Vinci? Mona Lisa—he painted that. A man who asked questions, not very well educated, but very well-learned. Big difference—there are people who are very well-educated, but they’re not very well-learned. And there are people...

Who are you?

Who are you?

41 secs

Many times we ask ourselves the question, “Who am I?” And people get so intimidated by this question sometimes, because it seems so huge! It seems to cover such a vast space. But really, the answer to this question is beautiful; it’s simple, and it’s already within...

PEAK: My interactive course to help you discover the peace that resides within you

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