Events with Prem Rawat


Live events with Prem Rawat

For more than 50 years, Prem Rawat has traveled to over 100 countries, speaking from his heart to people like you about how to experience personal peace. Lively, engaging and entertaining, his talks help illuminate our deepest aspirations and provide rare insights on how to live life to the fullest.

If you aren’t able to attend any upcoming events in person, his media company, TimelessToday, often provides livestreams and replays. He also regularly posts clips from his events on YouTube.

Upcoming and Recent Events

Upcoming Events


For anyone interested in Prem Rawat’s message

58th Anniversary Celebration 2024

 Delhi, India

Start Time: To Be Announced

SEPT 9 – 13

For everyone who has been taught
techniques of Self-Knowledge.

Prem Rawat in Ivory’s Rock (Amaroo)


Recent Events

Featured Event Video

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Prem Rawat Achieves Another Attendance World Record

On November 26, 2023, Prem Rawat presented a lecture titled “Understanding the Value of Life: Know Thyself”
to an audience of 375,603 people, setting a new world record for the
“largest attendance at a single lecture.”
This is a short clip of him accepting the Guinness World Record Certificate.

Event News & Stories

Events Map 2024