Prem Rawat Peace Educator

Prem Rawat

A lifetime devoted to peace

For more than 55 years, Prem Rawat has shared his enduring message of peace with people all over the world – regardless of their nationality, religion, or lifestyle – a message that inner peace is not only possible, but a human birthright. With great commitment, wisdom and wit, he has reached hundreds of millions of people in more than 100 countries. Visit here for an interactive timeline of his global activities.

“Peace is possible, and it begins within each one of us.”

– Prem Rawat

As a bestselling author, Prem has found a way to make timeless, universal truths accessible to people from all walks of life. His most recent book, “Hear Yourself”, has received rave reviews and debuted on the New York Times bestseller list just two weeks after its September 14th publication. The book, to date, has also been published in Spanish “Escúchate”, French (“Apprendre à s’écouter”), Italian (“Impara ad ascoltarti”) and Portuguese (“Ouve A Tua Voz”). Other books authored by Prem include: Peace is Possible, The Pot With The Hole, and The Stonecutter.

Always looking for innovative, new ways to communicate his message, Prem has created Peace Education and Knowledge (PEAK) — an online, video-based, self-discovery course available to everyone, free of charge, on TimelessToday, his media platform.

Yet another way that Prem communicates his inspiring message is via his Peace Education Program (PEP) which has been extraordinarily well-received in prisons, schools, police academies, hospitals, nursing homes, hospices, and veterans centers in more than 80 countries.

Most recently, Prem has added another spice to the stew – Intelligent Existence, a highly engaging training that focuses on three key themes: 1) Know yourself; 2) Live life consciously and; 3) Have a heart filled with gratitude.

Prem is also a very active humanitarian. The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), established in 2001, supports various charitable activities throughout the world – including disaster relief, eye care clinics, food distribution programs and the outreach efforts of his Peace Education Program.

Additionally, Prem is an accomplished pilot, having logged more than 15,000 hours of flying time in service to his lifelong commitment to bring his message of peace to as many people as possible. His hobbies? Composing music, cooking, restoring old cars, storytelling, and photography. Family-wise, Prem has been married to Marolyn Rawat since 1974 and is the father of four and the grandfather of four.

If you want to send Prem a message, click here.