El potencial


29 secs

La increíble oportunidad

La increíble oportunidad

06:00 mins

Prem Rawat: Collectively, as human beings on the face of this earth, appreciating what you have is more important than appreciating what you don’t have. The truth is, (and I may be a little strong, so I ask for your forgiveness if you’re offended by it, but I have to...

La Vela y la Llama

La Vela y la Llama

06:00 mins

Prem Rawat: When you take one candle and light it — and from that candle, you take that candle to an unlit candle and you light that candle. And then you take that first candle that you lit, and then you light the second candle. And the third candle, and the fourth...

Haz que cuente

Haz que cuente

09:00 mins

Prem Rawat: What do we lose in our life? There is this thing, this word. And the word is “innocence.” And it’s a beautiful word. And what it alludes to is also beautiful: innocence! How do I take that word “innocence?” “To perceive what is, as is.” Not complications....

PEAK: My interactive course to help you discover the peace that resides within you

Watch the ten short introductory videos

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