Happiness, Joy

Explore Prem Rawat’s thoughts on the topic of ‘happines and joy’

29 secs

Just be

Just be

35 secs

Does the heart say, "Go to Timbuktu." Does the heart say, "Go to this place?" No. The heart says always one thing. And it's so simple. Be content; be happy. Be in that place; be in that enjoyment. Be. Be. Just be.   -Prem Rawat

There is compassion

There is compassion

02:23 mins

There would be quite a case to be made if there was no clarity! There would be quite a case to be made if there was no joy. There would be quite a case to be made if there was no understanding. There would be quite a case to be made if there was no compassion. Because...

The unchanging happiness

The unchanging happiness

04:04 mins

It was a Greek philosopher who said once, “You are never happy if you get what you don’t want.” Tricky words. If you get what you don’t want, you’re not happy. And even if you get what you do want, you still won’t be happy because you won’t be able to keep it. That’s...

The reward of hope

The reward of hope

02:23 mins

It takes courage to have hope. Many people in their lives, they see things not going their way; they start losing hope—and the next thing you know, calamity. But it takes courage to have hope; it takes courage to have clarity. And when there is that courage,...

Feeling good

Feeling good

01:32 mins

If I have to come and create a need for peace, then I’m not doing justice to peace, because the need for peace is within you. And you have to feel and understand that need. What does feeling good do to you? Do you know? Do you know what feeling good does to you? Have...

Enjoy this existence

Enjoy this existence

02:08 mins

More than enough food is produced to feed the whole world. Do you know that? Do you know that? The earth actually produces more than enough food to feed the whole world, every single person, comfortably! So why are people hungry? Greed. Greed. “Throw away food....

All our dreams

All our dreams

01:25 mins

All our dreams, our road maps that we make in our mind to achieve happiness.... And we draw little maps: “If I have this, I have this; I want this, I have this, I have this, then I can be happy.” These are our road maps to happiness. It doesn’t matter whether you’re...

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

48 secs

It’s all too easy to start thinking about happiness. It’s all too easy to start thinking about what love means. But these things, happiness, joy, love, clarity, these things are feelings. And they cannot be felt by thinking about it—but they need to be truly felt as...

PEAK: My interactive course to help you discover the peace that resides within you

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