What would it be like for you if somebody said “I'll give you a gift and with this gift, you can do anything you want—anything!” What would that mean to you? What if somebody came to you and said, “I am going to give you a gift and it's priceless, it'spriceless. And I...
Explore Prem Rawat’s thoughts on the topic of ‘gratitude’
29 secs
Your gift of choice
If somebody gives you a gift—if somebody gives you a gift and you don’t accept it, whose gift is it anyways? It’s not a tricky question; I’m not trying to trick you. It’s just a straightforward question: “If somebody gives you a gift and you don’t accept it, whose...
What is gratitude
What is gratitude? This is what I was saying yesterday, “Gratitude is when somebody gives you something. And when you receive that gift, and you feel good—you feel good—then you take some of that ‘good’ that you feel, and give it to the person who gave you that gift.”...
We cannot teach gratitude
There was a time when I was named “Prem”—and I couldn’t say “Prem.” I couldn’t pronounce my own name! Who was I, then? Somebody else? “Gaga goo-goo”? Can you imagine, all of us would be named “Gaga Goo-Goo.” We all said “gaga goo-goo”. So, “Nice to see you, Gaga...
Thirst, peace and appreciation
What happens when a person is in peace? What happens? There is a recognition; there is a simplicity; there is an appreciation. There is a gratitude. This is what happens: recognition of each other; recognition that “my need is like yours.” That it isn’t about power....
The rich life
To be rich requires two things. To be rich requires two things: one is that you have something precious and the second part of it is you have a lot of it. See, if you have gold about the size of a pinhead, that won’t make you rich. But if you had a lot of it, that’ll...
Prosperity on the inside
Do you know what today is to you? It’s the day that goes by too quickly—right? People say, “I don’t have enough time during the day.” It’s not that you have enough time or not—because the days are exactly the same. It’s your wants, your wishes; they keep multiplying,...
Do not believe, know.
I know people pray. I mean, excuse me, I’m, I’m very sorry if—I don’t mean to offend anybody. I know. But I, I have to say what I know. Not believe. Know. And I know the greatest form of prayer is to express my gratitude.
Gratitude is the highest expression
You know, in our lives, we have learnt a lot of things. As we are today, this is not the way human beings used to be. We have learnt how to make buildings; we have learnt how to make airplanes; we have learnt how to make cars; we have learnt how to make this, have...

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