
Explore Prem Rawat’s thoughts on the topic of ‘courage’.

29 secs



2:10 mins

Millions and millions of years in the making for you to be alive today—for you, you! I mean…I mean, you. I mean, you … as a…that person. I mean, what is absolutely fascinating—that you are identical to the person sitting next to you, and you’re not. You’re made out of...

Lord of the jungle

Lord of the jungle

02:58 mins

One day there was a rabbit. And this rabbit was going along in the jungle, and a huge lion jumped out. Huge! And the lion said, “I’m going to eat you.” And the rabbit said, “I am finished! I better think quickly…something.” So the rabbit says to the lion, he says,...

Defeat the dragons

Defeat the dragons

03:44 mins

There is a dragon. What form does the dragon come in? Oh, any form you like. Any form you like. The doctor tells you, “You’ve got two weeks to live; you have incurable cancer.” “Grrrr!” Here it is! Comes out of its den breathing fire, breathing confusion, looking at...

A most memorable event

A most memorable event

04:00 mins

Somebody once asked me a question in one of the interviews: “You’ve been traveling for fifty years; you have met a lot of world leaders, a lot of important people. Could you tell us about who made the most impact on you?” So I said, “Certainly.” So I told them what...

PEAK: My interactive course to help you discover the peace that resides within you

Watch the ten short introductory videos

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