Donate or Sponsor
Donate or Sponsor & Make a Difference
Your donations play a key role in Prem Rawat’s work by ensuring that people from all walks of life have access to his events and other resources for personal peace, regardless of financial circumstances. They also help put the ideals of kindness and compassion into action by providing food, water, shelter, medical care and other humanitarian aid to people in need.
Here are some of the ways you can donate.
“I invite every single human being on the face of this earth to participate, to alleviate each other’s misery.”
– Prem Rawat

Donate to The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF)
Your donations to this nonprofit support the development and growth of the Peace Education Program, allowing people of diverse backgrounds to participate free of charge. They also make it possible for these groups to attend meetings and events with Prem Rawat. Your donations also feed disadvantaged children at Food for People facilities, and allow TPRF to provide other humanitarian aid to those suffering from natural disasters.

Donate to Words of Peace Global (WOPG)
Your donations to this nonprofit support live events with Prem Rawat, helping ensure that people from all walks of life can attend regardless of financial circumstances. They also support other related initiatives such as press outreach. Plus, they help cover the costs for people in remote areas to learn Prem Rawat’s techniques of self-Knowledge, simple methods for turning your senses from the outside world to an experience of peace within yourself.

Donate to Raj Vidya Kender (RVK)
Your donations to this nonprofit organization support Prem Rawat’s peace education activities in India, including live events and humanitarian services such as eye care clinics and food aid for disadvantaged people.

Sponsorship & Gifting
In addition to contributing through these nonprofits, Prem Rawat engages in various activities that you can support via sponsorship and gifting.

Timeless Today (TT)
Your sponsorship provides TimelessToday with financial support for initiatives beyond those covered by subscription revenues. TimelessToday delivers a wide range of digital media initiatives designed to engage new and existing audiences who are interested in Prem Rawat’s resources for personal peace. Sponsorship revenues enable TimelessToday to support projects including training development, event production, social media outreach, translation, historical content archiving and more.

Life’s Essentials Podcast
Prem Rawat releases weekly podcasts aimed at providing education and entertainment about the path to personal peace and our search for answers in all the wrong places. The podcast, hosted on Acast, is available to global audiences on all major podcast channels including Apple and Spotify. More than 5,000 individuals enjoy the podcast’s content on a weekly basis.
To enquire about podcast sponsorship and advertising opportunities contact [email protected]
Gifting (TT)
Gifts provide individuals with access to TimelessToday subscriptions that they might not be able to afford or may not have considered. The individual receiving the TimelessToday gift subscription has full access to the entire library of published content as well as any live streams that occur during the gifted period.