Understanding More™ Focus Session Content to be Released Monthly

Nov 17, 2023

Since Prem Rawat began conducting a series of Understanding More™ Focus Sessions in June on three different continents, there have been numerous requests for access to the content.

These highly engaging all-day get-togethers are designed to inspire and support people who practice the techniques of Self-Knowledge as taught by Prem Rawat – a simple way to turn one’s attention from the outside world to the source of personal peace within.

Towards that end, Intelligent Existence (Prem Rawat’s innovative training company), in collaboration with TimelessToday, has begun producing extracts, compilations, notes and condensed versions of each Understanding More™ Focus Session.

Currently, short, inspirational video clips of the Understanding More™ session from Milan (and soon, Los Angeles) is available for viewing on WOPG.org. A new set of U&M content will be released on a monthly basis until all Focus Sessions have been published in various forms.

Prem Rawat is now on tour in India and will soon be conducting the next two Understanding More™ sessions in Hindi. The first session will be in Mirzapur on November 16. The second will be in Ranchi on November 22.

While the content of the India sessions will be similar to previous ones in Europe, North America, and Australia, they will be delivered in Hindi and renamed “Jigyasa” – a Hindi word that translates as “aspiration” and best captures the feeling and tone of an Understanding More™ session for a Hindi-speaking audience.

The availability of Understanding More™ and Jigyasa replays is especially good news for people in India because it is not possible for Intelligent Existence to offer livestreams in Mirzapur and Ranchi due to bandwidth limitations.

Volunteer teams and Prem Rawat supporters in India will be collaborating with local communities to assist with the coordination and scheduling of these local video events.

London-Prem-Rawat in London, Understanding & More Focuss Sessions

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