Understanding More™ Focus Sessions in North America

Aug 26, 2023

After a whirlwind tour of Europe, Prem Rawat began his six-city tour of North America with Understanding More™ Focus Sessions in Los Angeles, California (August 13) and Fort Lauderdale, Florida (August 20).

These much-anticipated, highly engaging all-day sessions have been designed to inspire and support people who practice the techniques of Self-Knowledge – a simple way to turn one’s attention from the outside world to the source of personal peace within.

Currently, there are three more sessions scheduled for North America:

  • Denver, Colorado: August 27
  • Toronto, Ontario: September 3
  • Asheville, North Carolina: September 9

Click here for more information and how to register for the livestreams.

See clearly who you are and you will
not be disappointed.

– Prem Rawat, Los Angeles, August 13, 2023

A Chance to Refresh, Renew, and Reinvigorate

Simply put, Understanding More™ Focus Sessions are immersive, dynamic, and exceedingly helpful in refocusing attendees back to the core elements that bring the practice of Self-Knowledge to life. As a result, they allow participants to refresh, renew and reinvigorate their understanding of what it takes to experience personal peace.

During these sessions Prem Rawat covered a lot of ground, acknowledging many of the challenges that people who practice the techniques of Self-Knowledge encounter from time to time – forgetfulness, doubt, distraction, fear, and old habits of mind. He also spoke in depth about how a person can receive the most possible value from the “Know thyself” experience he has been helping people connect with for the past 56 years.

Many Key Themes Addressed

Via storytelling, slides, straight talk, audience interaction, updates on his global initiatives and references to the poetry of Kabir, Prem Rawat elaborated on a wide variety of themes throughout each of his Focus Sessions:

• Simplicity
• Clarity
• Focus
• Choice
• Courage
• Trust
• The value of now
• Becoming truly informed
• Finding joy
• Using the tools of Self-Knowledge
• Letting go of fear and indoctrination
• Making the kind of effort to experience the                                            Divine instead of waiting for it to miraculously appear.

Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make

To further illustrate the positive impact that the practice of Self-Knowledge is having around the world, Prem Rawat expounded upon his recent visit to a prison in Leeds, England. In Los Angeles, he spoke glowingly about a man who had formerly been incarcerated there who had learned the techniques of Self-Knowledge after participating in the Peace Education Program and PEAK

The person, Prem explained, after being released from prison, returned – on his own accord – to facilitate the Peace Education Program to help other prisoners better understand their inherent value and how they can find personal peace even in the most difficult of situations.

The example Prem Rawat provided further reinforced a major theme of his Understanding More™ Focus Sessions – the importance of participation –  and how the motivation for it needs to originate from within the individual.

Participation is the future of this message.

– Prem Rawat, Fort Lauderdale, August 20, 2023

A Guided Tour of Prem Rawat’s Online Presence

Towards the end of each Understanding More™ Focus Session, Prem provided an overview of his ever-increasing number of websites, explaining their purpose, highlighting key pages, and encouraging everyone to explore the many inspiring resources that can be found there.

Websites featured in his presentation included:

Prem’s appreciation of these online resources was palpable and he noted that more websites were on their way, enabling individual cities and countries to share local and regional updates about his work.

See the value of now and you will be free.

–Prem Rawat, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, August 20, 2023

In keeping with Prem Rawat’s much-appreciated sense of humor, he concluded each of his all-day sessions with a test – providing participants with a light-hearted way to review the highlights of the day and further take them to heart.

To date, feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive. If you would like to share your feedback with Prem Rawat, it is easy to do. Simply click this link.  

Info about Prem Rawat’s upcoming events

Understanding More™ Focus Sessions are brought to you courtesy of Intelligent Existence.

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