
Feb 13, 2024

Periodically, PremRawat.com publishes first-person reflections from people around the world who are experiencing the benefits of practicing the techniques of Self-Knowledge as taught by Prem Rawat – a simple way to turn one’s attention from the outside world to a place of inner peace. This month’s reflection is from Charis Cooper, currently residing in Kent, UK.

Hi, my name is Charis. I’m 36 and from the UK. I asked for the gift of Self-Knowledge from Prem Rawat when I was 25.

At the time, I had just finished university and was supposed to be going out into the big wide world to start a career. It should have been an exciting time. However, I had this horrible feeling that I really didn’t know what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I didn’t know my place in the world and, even worse, it looked like everyone else seemed to know how to slot into society. I desperately needed something meaningful, and the world was not offering me this.

I was starting to notice that a piece of my puzzle was missing – a painful but vital realization. Thankfully, somewhere in myself, I remembered that I had come close to that missing piece when I had seen Prem Rawat speak a few years earlier. I decided to explore this further and listen more at home on my own, and as I did, I remember feeling myself lighting up from the inside because I knew I was on the right track.

I was in the process of rediscovering the missing connection to myself. It felt more real and more satisfying than anything else I had previously tried to fill the void with.

I was in the process of rediscovering the missing connection to myself.

At some point during this process I decided I was ready to receive the techniques of Self-Knowledge – a way of focusing on the peace already within me. After a failed first attempt, due to transport issues, I had a profound realization of how much I truly wanted this. A week later I found myself in Barcelona where I finally received Knowledge.

At first I thought, what do I do with this? It was like being given an instrument I had completely forgotten how to play but instinctively knew at the same time. I noticed that the more I persevered with the practice of Knowledge, the more familiar it became. And the more familiar it became, the more I started to notice the benefits it brought to my life. 

I began experiencing a new sense of feeling at ease within myself rather than the usual inner “strugglesville” I had sadly become accustomed to. That feeling of ease was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air or drinking water when I’m really thirsty. I noticed that my perspective was more grounded in reality rather than made-up ideas I probably borrowed from someone else. I also noticed that I changed as a person – because I was becoming connected to something real within myself. Other people around me noticed a difference too.

I had attended events with Prem Rawat before receiving Knowledge and enjoyed it because he spoke to my heart in a way that I hadn’t experienced before. However, I didn’t always understand everything he was talking about, and sometimes my mind wandered. But once I started practicing Knowledge, I began to understand him in a more profound way – because I was experiencing it for myself. 

I’m grateful to Prem Rawat for doing what he does.

I have been practicing Knowledge almost daily for 10 years. To this day I’m so relieved and grateful to be a person on this earth who has this tool to connect to myself. I’m grateful to Prem Rawat for doing what he does, dedicating his entire life to traveling the world and talking to people from all walks of life, speaking at large events, small events, one-to-one, in prisons, in schools, on the radio and more. I’m grateful that he is able to speak in a way that touches the heart, reminding people what is actually important in life.

Practicing Knowledge is not always easy for me. Sometimes I let it slip down my priority list and let my to-do list come first. When that happens, I notice myself moving back into inner “strugglesville.” Thankfully, I always know that the answer is to come back home to myself – to a place where the volume on the prolific mental chatter starts to lower, to the place where I really belong.

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