Monthly, will be publishing first-person reflections from people around the world who are experiencing the benefits of practicing the techniques of Self-Knowledge as taught by Prem Rawat– a simple way to turn one’s attention from the outside world to a place of inner peace. Each individual’s reflections are unique, based on their own life experiences. This month’s reflection is from Scott Enright, currently residing in Hollywood, California.
Recently, Prem Rawat published a book called Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World. The title alone speaks volumes for me since I live in Los Angeles in the middle of Hollywood where it is incredibly busy.
It would be a huge understatement to say that I am surrounded by a lot of noise.
Billboards, fancy cars, social media influencers and tons of tourists
–on top of a hectic work schedule – doesn’t exactly reflect the kind of stillness, peace and contentment that I know reside within me.
These days, I often reflect on the times in my life when I lived much closer to Nature.
I grew up in rural Massachusetts and later moved to more beautiful
places in California such as Malibu, Topanga and Ventura where I was surrounded by the soothing sights and sounds of the ocean and mountains.
The quest for more “success” in my life eventually brought me to the
fast-beating heart of the city. Ironically now, I often contemplate the tranquility Ieft behind. I suppose the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” makes even more sense to me now.
Fortunately, what I have learned from Prem Rawat remains an anchor, reminding me every day that no matter how much noise I am surrounded by, I can still experience the stillness I am seeking simply by practicing the techniques of Self-Knowledge to focus on the peace within me. Perhaps it is the best of both worlds.