Prem Rawat: A Decade in the Media

Prem Rawat’s
South American Tour

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Prem Rawat Sets Another New
Guinness World Record

375,603 People
Attend One of His Lectures in India

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Prem Rawat is a world-renowned peace educator and bestselling author

Hear Yourself

How to find peace in a noisy world.

by Prem Rawat

Explore Peace

Participate in PEAK (Peace Education And Knowledge), a complimentary course to help you discover the peace already within you.

Thought for the Day

You only have this lifetime. Make it yours.

News & Impact

Topics of Inspiration

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The Path to Know  Watch 5 min

“This truly is about something else.
This truly is about taking charge
of your existence and saying,
“Right. No more waste.”
No more spinning this disc of good and bad.
But realizing, embracing
the being that you are.” — Prem Rawat

Prem Rawat’s Resources

The Prem Rawat Foundation: Advances dignity, peace, and prosperity by addressing the fundamental human needs of food, water, and peace. The nonprofit foundation’s signature Peace Education Program is a popular series of  workshops that help people discover personal peace.

TimelessToday: Prem Rawat’s media company. Provides livestreams of his events, topical videos, podcasts and updates that inspire people to discover peace within themselves. At the core of every TimelessToday production is the expression of Prem’s unique ability to help people experience the joy of life.

Words of Peace Global: WOPG and Words of Peace International (WOPI) are charitable foundations that channel donations to enable Prem Rawat to speak at live events and media interviews. WOPG also provides information about upcoming live events as well as links to relevant ticketing platforms.

Intelligent Existence: Prem Rawat’s innovative training company. The next course to be released is “PEAK” (Peace Education And Knowledge).  All trainings are based on three guiding principles: 1) Know Yourself; 2) Live Your Life Consciously and; 3) Have a Heart Filled with Gratitude.