Update on Prem Rawat’s Amaroo Peace Event in Queensland, Australia

Nov 26, 2022

“I don’t know how many of you are going to Amaroo, but that’s starting to become something exciting. It’s going to be fun!”  – Prem Rawat, July, 2022

For the first time in four years, Prem Rawat will be speaking at a five-day Amaroo Peace Event in Queensland, Australia: September 5 – 9. The invitation to attend is for people who have already received the techniques of Self-Knowledge as taught by Prem Rawat – a simple way to turn one’s senses from the outside world to the experience of peace within themself.

2022 Amaroo Promo video 2

To date, 2,732 people from 57 countries have registered.

Although most onsite accommodations are fully booked, there are some Pioneer Tents still available. Early Bird rates have been extended to July 31.

How to register

Preparations for the event have been in full swing for many months. Most recently, more than 30 Amaroo Peace Event area managers met at the onsite Conference Hall and also remotely via Zoom to focus on the event through the eyes of guests – continuing their process of ensuring the best possible event experience for all attendees.

Volunteer opportunities are available

The international Amaroo team meets every week via Zoom and is comprised of volunteers from the USA, UK, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia, as well as a handful of paid staff.

Deeply committed to the well-being and safety of all guests, the Amaroo team continues responding to the changing dynamics of COVID and related Government regulations. Here is the most recently updated government regulations and the Amaroo COVID policy.

And here’s what nine people planning on making the trek to Amaroo in September have to say about WHY they will be attending:

“Going to Amaroo is an opportunity to dive into the heart, to touch the essence of oneself in the company of a great teacher and be immersed in nature for a whole week! I’ve done it many times, and once again, I wouldn’t miss it.” – Virginia C., USA

“Isn’t it funny that I must go the furthest from my physical home to feel at home more than ever? Being with Prem for five days, listening to him for hours, living at the rhythm of the heart is really living, feeling alive more than ever. It is always new, always different, always surprising, even if you have been there before.” – Pierre B., France

“Amaroo is five days to unplug from our personal and collective habits – a kind of ultimate vacation. Yes, it’s wonderful – the fresh air, the outdoors, and the friends we haven’t seen in a while, but it’s more than that – a chance to listen to a man we have grown to love and respect – someone who had led us on the ultimate quest of knowing ourselves.” – Jan B., USA

“When I rummage through my memories to find the most contented moment of my life, I find myself lying on the grass one afternoon before Prem gathers with everyone at the amphitheater in Amaroo. The only thing between me and the ground, a gossamer thin scarf with kangaroo designs on it, my legs stretched out crossed at the ankles, a straw hat tilted over my face, all the things I could possibly worry about 15 time zones and 16,000 miles away and the joy of breath rustling through me like a breeze in the trees.” – Loring B., USA

“To spend a week in another reality – the reality – surrounded by nature and happy people. And guided by Prem Rawat.  What more can one want?” – Jacques N., Switzerland

“This is not the first time I am going to  Amaroo for an event with Prem Rawat. It is a long journey, I know. It seems  crazy going so far for a week, I know. But what I also know is that it will be a unique experience: being in a wonderful natural environment, celebrating life and its possibilities in the company of the person who inspires me to choose clarity and joy instead of confusion and pain. This will be the true vacation! – Isolda B., Italy

“I am going to Amaroo because there is nothing like it that I know of – no place, no time where you can spend five days with Prem — listen, enjoy, learn, have fun, imbibe wisdom, grace, and blessings. I am going because I still can go and because I never know when the last time will be. I am going because it is the most fun thing I can think of, because I always come back transformed.” – Jean Paul P., Mexico

“Amaroo is the most beautiful place, a world of happiness. It is the journey’s end, but also the beginning of another wonderful journey into the heart. It’s a place where you can put down your burdens and become a child again. Amaroo is the party to end all parties! With our most gracious host Prem, I am happy to travel from the other side of the planet to sit and listen and glean as much as I can.” – Julie TD., UK

“There are good moments in my life that I remember from time to time, probably because they have nurtured some fundamental needs of mine. Being at Amaroo is one of them. It is like coming home, a place where you feel welcome and can catch a glimpse of a bright future for humanity. This time, though everything seemed near to impossible, I felt nevertheless a call to be there. It may seem impractical, but the moments I spend at Amaroo stay in my memories like a perfume.” – Dominique H., France

More information about the Amaroo Peace Event

Registration is now open

PEAK: Prem Rawat’s online course about self-discovery

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