“Life’s Essentials with Prem Rawat” podcast series 2, episode 15 – The Preciousness of Life

Feb 9, 2021

Can you find opportunity in the face of the storm?

Tune in to learn how.

In this week’s podcast, Prem Rawat talks about the meaning of simplicity. The meaning of being simple and being in isolation due to Coronavirus is the breath coming into you without any effort, bringing you life. Simple is seeing the blue skies and clouds, and being able to be content. Simple is being able to see a life and understand you exist, and how profound and beautiful it is. Simple is having love in your heart and being able to love and give love freely.

Existence and life are so simple. Having a profound experience despite this chaos is very simple. Prem discusses storms and why we don’t like them. It is windy, cold, rainy, and stormy and yet what can you do when the storm comes? The storm is not under your control, but what you do during that storm is under your control. You can do something about that. This little passage that you have isn’t trivial or insignificant. Sometimes the storm brews between our ears and we still have this place that is profound and beautiful inside of you, in that place in the heart, where you can enjoy, hear and see the storm go by. When the storm goes the sun will shine again.

This is so important to understand because storms and situations do come in life, but we don’t have to fall victim to the situation. We can still remember what opportunities are brought by the storm. With Corona we had so many plans and so many ideas that are now interrupted. In this time we miss the connection with other human beings and the emotional exchange. Spectacular mistakes have been made during this crisis and mistakes of the past were repeated. Yet within this turmoil we have a golden opportunity to move a little closer to ourselves and to understand our own existence and to understand the preciousness of our lives.

The noise in our mind keeps knocking and bothering us day and night. It is a powerful constant companion. People are trying everything to silence the noise that is on 24/7. People often like to be distracted so they can block out the noise. Now the distractions are gone and now you have to live with yourself. Many people are finding this a challenge as they cannot live with themselves.

Long ago when people were hunters and gatherers they spent the day collecting food and then eating and sleeping. The cycle continued on until now. We have created a system where we still spend all day long working so we can buy our food. With the hunters and gatherers some days they could not find food, but in our economy as long as we are able to find jobs we can buy the food we want to eat. In the process of making sure we always have food we have created an overabundance of food and a large percentage of it is wasted.

The simplicity inside of you and the law of existence reflect the true needs that you have like air and water. This is simply life and fulfillment of our understanding, clarity and peace. Then one day everything packs up and everything is over, but until that day, spend time enjoying, enjoying, and enjoying in the truest, most beautiful way.

Listen to this open and honest podcast on iTunes here  Podcast iTunes and on Spotify here  Spotify Logo RGB Green today.

This podcast series is proudly affiliated with Great Big Owl. Today’s episode is brought to you by Udo’s Oil, made with your health in mind.  www.udoschoice.com and www.theudo.com and Net Data Systems, your networking partner, www.netdatasystem.com.


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