How the Focus 5 Amaroo Event Changed Your Life for the Better

Nov 26, 2022

For five days in early September at the “Focus 5” event at the Ivory Rock’s Conference Center in Australia, Prem Rawat shared his insights, wisdom and perspective with thousands of people who have been enjoying the experience of Self-Knowledge that he reveals.  Curious to know what impact the event had on the 2,735 people from 57 countries who attended in person and the 3,300 people from 70 countries who attended virtually, we invited attendees to share their personal reflections with us in response to the question: “How did the Focus 5 Amaroo Event change your life for the better?”  What follows is a sampling of the comments and photos we received from the many submitted.

“For me, the time with Prem at Amaroo was transformative on every level – for my practice of Knowledge, my understanding, and my appreciation of life.” – Thom A.

“Attending the Focus 5 event was the ultimate reminder of the truest success of life. It is like riding a swing. The remembrance is so sweet. I’ll be back.” – Sushila W.

“It was downpour of wisdom, clarity, and understanding.” – Maria Luisa D.

“It was incredibly helpful to focus on what is real in a world full of turmoil – to trust and to love life itself above all.” – Hildegard K.

“I would have loved to go to Amaroo, but for various reasons I wasn’t able to. Thanks to Prem Rawat and Timeless Today for bringing the Amaroo events right into my  home. I know it wasn’t the same as being there, but it was wonderful, joyful, and amazing nonetheless!” – Rich G.

“The Focus 5 event and videos renewed my connection to me!  No more cutting corners or robbing myself of the stillness and  tranquility.”  – Carole S.

“What an extraordinary opportunity it was to spend five days with Prem and focus on a simple and most essential experience.” – Leah G.

“For me, the reset button was pushed beyond any other time since receiving Knowledge. I love being alive even more now.” – Daniel B.

“I felt  present, thankful,  privileged and blessed to recognize that life is a miracle” – Bharti P.

September 14 Ipswich News Article about Focus 5

PEAK: Prem Rawat’s free online course about Self-Knowledge

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