Understanding & More

Jul 6, 2023

A Focus Session with Prem Rawat in Milan, Italy.

On June 25, in Milan, Italy, Prem Rawat conducted a Focus Session for people who practice the techniques of Self-Knowledge given by Prem – a simple way to turn one’s attention from the outside world to the source of personal peace within. 800 people attended in-person and another 1,394 joined the livestream from 51 countries.

Immersive, engaging, joyful and exceedingly helpful in refocusing people back to the core elements that bring the practice of Self-Knowledge to life, feedback was considerable and positive.

One participant wrote: “Everything felt fresh. Prem’s enthusiasm was so genuine and contagious. Me? I am good at forgetting things. But Prem is even better at reminding me about what is essential in my life.”

You want to be intelligent?
Then see the wisdom of the heart

Prem Rawat, Milan, Italy, June 25, 2023

One more Focus Session, in Europe, is scheduled for Wiesbaden (Sunday, July 9). The event is now sold out.

If you would like to attend, virtually, via livestream, click here to register. The fee to register for the Focus Session is $65USD.

NOTE: No replays of the Milan and Wiesbaden Focus Sessions are planned at this time.

Prem does more than talk about peace. He teaches practical techniques that he refers to as “Knowledge”.

Additionally, he provides the encouragement, guidance and inspiration for people to continue growing in their experience.  And he does this in several ways: videos, books, podcasts, events, media interviews, his YouTube Channel, and a variety of informative websites.

Focus Sessions are brought to you courtesy of Intelligent Existence, Prem Rawat’s innovative training company.



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