TPRF’s Peace Education Program Continues to Make a Difference in the World

Dec 20, 2021

“Choose peace over chaos.  Choose love over hate.” Prem Rawat

Prem Rawat has communicated his message of peace in many different ways since he first began speaking about it as a young boy: public events, videos, audios, books, one-on-one conversations, TV interviews, radio shows,  podcasts, websites and trainings just to name a few.  But perhaps one of his most effective approaches has been the Peace Education Program – an innovative series of video-based workshops that help people discover their own inner strength and personal peace.  Launched in 2012, the program has positively impacted the lives of more than 200,000 people in over 70 countries and continues to grow, providing an opportunity for participants to reflect on their own inner resources such as choice, hope and dignity. 

Rather than describing or defining personal peace, the Peace Education Program empowers people to reach their own understanding, focusing, as it does, on self-discovery. Indeed, it has proven to be a life-changing experience for an extraordinarily diverse group of people looking to better their lives, including  prisoners, war combatants, gang members, military personnel, police officers,  hospice residents, students, nuns, community groups and many more.

Explains its Founder, Prem Rawat, “The Peace Education Program puts you in touch with yourself. It empowers people. It brings out the good in people.”

Nine years into its efforts, the program continues to expand its reach, and there are growing needs for materials, trainings and other resources to meet the demand.

Towards that end, TPRF is reaching out to you now to contribute to the Celebrating 20 Years fundraising appeal by the December 31 deadline.

Please know that every little bit helps. No donation is too small.  

This week’s new TPRF videos highlight the impact of The Peace Education Program.

Click here to watch the new videos and donate

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