Prem Rawat’s Livestreamed Milan Knowledge Review

Nov 26, 2022

“Your need for joy, to be fulfilled—for that you have to turn inside. That’s where you will find it—in you!” – Prem Rawat

The human need for joy and fulfillment is universal, independent of nationality, language, or religion. When it comes right down to it, everyone wants to feel good and get the most out of life. This is Prem Rawat’s work. This is what he’s all about.

His offer goes beyond words. For more than 50 years, he has been teaching people how to turn their senses from the outside world to the experience of peace within themselves – an experience that is unique to each person. 

Prem Rawat refers to this experience as “Self-Knowledge.” This practice connects people with the very best of who they are. He also provides potent reminders and refresher classes that inspire people to deepen their efforts and their enjoyment.

On Saturday, July 16 in Milan, Italy,  he conducted a Knowledge Review (a refresher) for 526 people who had previously learned his techniques of Self-Knowledge.  Another 1,921 people attended virtually from 18 cities throughout Europe, India, and Africa.         

An additional 11,107 people – subscribers to TimelessToday, with either a Classic or Premier subscription –  joined the opening portion of the Knowledge Review, which was broadcast worldwide in English with simultaneous interpretation in Hindi and Italian.

A good time was had by all.

If you would like to learn more about the experience of Self-Knowledge that Prem Rawat teaches, there are many ways you can proceed. Or, if you already know you want to learn and practice the techniques Self-Knowledge, you are invited to register for PEAK (Peace Education and Knowledge), Prem Rawat’s free online course.

Prem Rawat’s Knowledge Sessions and Knowledge Reviews are brought to you by IntelligentExistence, in collaboration with TimelessToday.

Testimonials from people who are practicing the techniques of Self-Knowledge

“I find there is a lot of confused intellectual noise around the topic of understanding the self, but the purpose of gaining self-knowledge could hardly be simpler; it’s about us experiencing that refreshing clarity, deep fulfillment, and profound, immeasurable joy — and many, many other wonders — by being at one with the universe of peace within us.” – Prem Rawat

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