One Hundred and One Days of Lockdown

Sep 14, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic changed what’s “normal” for all of humanity. For Prem Rawat, it slowed over 50 years of almost continuous travel dedicated to sharing his message of personal peace.

As soon as Prem was able to return to the United States, he sat down and began to record what turned out to be the first of the 101 Lockdown series. While Prem socially distanced from his usual production team, he didn’t allow that to be a barrier to connecting with audiences worldwide.

Before Lockdown, Prem and the international event team that organizes his public addresses were planning a tour of Latin America. Due to Covid-19 challenges in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil, there was a sudden change of plans, resulting in the event team quarantining in far-flung locations around the world. One hundred and one days later, we have an historical series of videos, with so many important messages and beautiful stories, including Prem interviewing Dr. John Horton, to make sure everyone understood the medical issues related to Covid-19.

The Lockdown series has been viewed in over 80 countries with many thousands of daily views. While Prem’s message never wanders from its core, he recognized the need and the opportunity to be a constant positive voice during these stressful times. 

The series has been vitally important to many viewers, who shared their positive comments on, TimelessToday.TV, and social media, consistently acknowledging its profound impact. One viewer wrote, “Each day since the Lockdown series began, I have looked forward to listening to Prem. No matter how my day is going, I know it will be richer for those few precious minutes spent in his presence. When I get notification of each day’s arrival, I smile…. Thank you, Prem.” Another appreciative comment from a viewer was, “Through this pandemic, we have this opportunity, this wonderful privilege to listen to you every day. I feel a very beautiful gratitude and a deep love.”

Behind the Scenes at TimelessToday

While in self-initiated quarantine, Prem began filming the Lockdown series using his Apple iPhone; more than fourteen days after the cancelled South American tour, he arrived home safely and was then able to use his home studio equipment. The virtually connected TimelessToday team turned their daily attention to supporting the Lockdown effort. They edited, transcribed, refined, translated, published, promoted, and streamed each day’s episode. The 101-day “marathon” was translated into eleven languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Tamil, Hindi, German, Portuguese, Greek, Japanese and Mandarin), resulting in over 900 videos streamed from,, and the Prem Rawat’s Official YouTube channel world-wide.

Almost everyone at TimelessToday worked through the 101 days, working long hours across many time zones to keep the series flowing. The team recognized that Lockdown presented a special opportunity to enable Prem to connect with his audience through one of the most difficult times in recent memory.

Prem and the entire team would like to thank the viewers of the Lockdown videos.  We hope you have been able to learn, grow and continue to experience peace and hope from Prem’s message. 

With the continued presence of the pandemic, Prem has not allowed travel constraints and large event concerns to act as a barrier to connecting with anyone interested in his message.  With the Lockdown series now published on Prem Rawat’s Official YouTube channel, he has launched a new series titled One 2 One, also available on YouTube.

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