Johannesburg Exclusive – Prem Rawat’s Knowledge Session in South Africa

May 18, 2022

“The sphere of the self is much bigger than you realize. Knowing yourself is not a one-time thing. It’s a lifelong quest to explore deeper and deeper.” – Prem Rawat

On May 8th, in Johannesburg South Africa, Prem Rawat met with a group of 59 people aspiring to experience personal peace. His arrival in Johannesburg was in direct response to their request to learn the techniques of Knowledge – practical tools, taught by Prem, that enable people to focus their attention within and align with the beauty and inner resources they already have.

The full Knowledge Session was simultaneously streamed, live, to three different venues in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg, serving as a review for 494 people in those communities who had previously received the techniques of Knowledge.   

To include as many people as possible around the world, Prem asked for the opening and closing portions of the Knowledge Session to be livestreamed, as well. Another 7,025 viewers from 70 countries, tuned in, online.

This was the first livestream of its kind and the experiment was an overwhelming success. More Knowledge Sessions and reviews are being planned for 2022 and 2023!

Comments from livestream participants

“Thank you so much for the livestream from Johannesburg. I needed that reminder today directly from you. I liked hearing your advice: if you cannot quiet the noise, at least do not listen to it. Today, it did quiet down just a little bit, enough to encourage me to keep trying every day. Deepest love and respect always.” – Kathy, UK

“Today, I watched your livestream at Johannesburg through Timeless Today. I loved it. I have also done the Knowledge Review with you and I am very happy and thank you for this. I hope you do this type of event in India.” –  Sarabjeet, India 

“Thank you for the beautiful Knowledge Review – a beautiful reminder from you to keep growing. I will take it to heart, as I will your infinite kindness. Thank you. It feels good to feel good! I love you. See you soon.” – Anne, Canada

“Thank you so much for arranging the possibility for me to attend the Knowledge Session in Johannesburg today online. It made me so happy and I feel like I have been reborn – an incredible feeling for a 76-year-old lady!  Much love.” – Lone, Denmark

Knowledge Session livestreams are brought to you by Intelligent Existence in collaboration with TimelessToday

Learn more about the experience of Self-Knowledge.

“Inner peace gives you a rock-solid and unchangeable foundation at the heart of your being.”  – Prem Rawat

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