A Practical Way to Celebrate TPRF’s 20th Anniversary

Nov 30, 2021

Every wedding anniversary has a symbol associated with it. The first year is paper. The fifth year is wood. The tenth is tin. And the 20th – the anniversary that The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) is celebrating this year, is china –  a most fitting symbol for Prem Rawat’s humanitarian organization, china being synonymous with “special occasions.” And that, indeed, is what TRPF is now celebrating– a very special occasion – its 20th year of making a profound difference in the lives of disenfranchised, forgotten, and disadvantaged people in over 70 countries. As Prem Rawat, TPRF’s Founder explains, “our mission is to bring hope to people who have lost all hope… to create a little bit of heaven right here on earth.”    

Since 2001, TPRF has been accomplishing this noble goal in a variety of ways:  disaster relief, food relief, water relief, medical aid, eye care, and self-help programs designed to bring dignity, peace, and prosperity to humanity-in-need.

Towards this end, TPRF is appealing to YOU and thousands of others around the world to keep up the good work by reaching its fundraising goal of $150,000 by December 31st. Matching funds of $72,575, have already been pledged, doubling the impact of whatever donation you choose to make.

Please know that every little bit helps. No donation is too small.  We are all in this together.

Between now and December 31, TPRF is releasing a series of new videos that highlight the different ways your support makes a difference. The appeal launched this week with a new video of Prem Rawat sharing his vision for TPRF and expressing appreciation to all of you who make it possible.

TPRF Founder and President

 Click here to donate and watch the new videos.

Each week, for the next three weeks, PremRawat.com will publish an article about one of TPRF’s humanitarian initiatives, each featuring a unique aspect of its ongoing efforts to make a difference in the world.  Next week, we’ll feature Prem’s vision for TPRF’s Food for People program. Week #3 will feature TPRF-sponsored events that help to build an understanding of personal peace. And week #4 will feature the impact of TPRF’s most far-reaching initiative, the Peace Education Program.

Click here to donate and watch the new videos.

“A lot of people think, ‘Well, what can I do?  My effort’s not going to mean anything.’ But of course your effort is going to mean something. TPRF is a vehicle to say, ‘Look, a little bit of light in darkness would be really wonderful.’ To bring hope to those people who have lost all hope, that’s a powerful thing.” – Prem Rawat, November 2021, TPRF 20 Year Celebration Conference

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