Develop a deeper understanding of life and of the human potential

Prem Rawat, ambassador for peace and consummate storyteller, has written two powerful books, Peace is Possible and Hear Yourself.
These books encourage readers to find inner peace and a greater understanding of who they are in the world we live in. Everywhere we turn is noise that keeps us away from ourselves. Prem brings tranquility and quiet to the soul.

Hear Yourself
“Hear Yourself – How to find peace in a noisy world” is a book full of wisdom and personal stories from Prem. This new book, authored by Prem Rawat, explores the most important fact – You Are Alive, what you do with that life is up to you.
“Just a moment of positive choosing can be the start of a life changing journey through self-knowledge to inner calm, focus, contentment and peace.”
Hear Yourself is now available in Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese.

Peace Is Possible
“Peace Is Possible – Thoughts on Happiness, Success and Relationships for a Deeper Understanding of Life” is a short, light hearted book of parables and stories designed to lead you to yourself. Vividly illustrated with delightful drawings making Peace is Possible a read for the whole family.
“Deep in the mountains lived a gardener…” who knew inner peace and tranquility. His loving kindness brought understanding to the cracked pot who saw only his own flaws. In Peace is Possible, you will be introduced to the gardener of self-awareness, Prem Rawat.
This thoroughly enjoyable little book invites readers to delve inside and tend the soil of their hearts.
Read more about the book here or buy the book from Amazon here.
A reviewer named MJ Hunt had this to say about Peace is Possible, “This is an exceptional book. I’ve just finished reading the Kindle edition. Many of the passages made me smile and touched my heart. Also, the layout and presentation are refreshing. Additionally, the whimsical drawings of Aya Shiroi are appropriate and delightful. Thank you, Prem Rawat. And thank you, Penguin Books. Even your logo seems right at home. I celebrate this book and its timeless message.What a wonderful gift!”