Prem Rawat recently traveled to Dubai, UAE, to introduce his Peace Education Program to educators from across the world and launch the Arabic version of his bestselling book, “Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World.” The historic trip attracted attention from international media outlets that are amplifying his insights and efforts to millions of people.
400,000 people in 80 countries have already participated in the innovative workshop series, reporting a wide variety of benefits, from empowerment and resilience to a deeper appreciation of life. And it’s likely that the efforts of Prem Rawat and the Peace Education Program volunteers at GESS will result in those numbers continuing to grow, as they fielded strong interest from educators wanting to bring the program to schools in dozens of new countries across the Middle East and beyond.
Immediately after his Peace Education Program presentation, Prem Rawat answered questions about his life, book, and the peace within all people during this two-minute interview:
A few days later, Prem Rawat celebrated the release of the Arabic version of his bestselling book, “Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World” with an event in the UAE at the world-renowned Sharjah International Book Fair. One of the largest book fairs on earth, it attracts an average of over 2 million visitors each year, including top influencers in the publishing industry.
His acclaimed book is now available across the Middle East in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, Jordan and more.
At his launch event, he answered questions and explored some of the same profound themes he covers in the book, emphasizing the importance of living a life full of self-discovery, even in the midst of our challenges and distractions.
Prem Rawat’s media company, TimelessToday, broadcast the November 4 event live, and subscribers can watch a replay here
Prem Rawat was also interviewed at the book fair by Sharjah Radio Pulse 95 – a radio station committed to infusing positivity and quality content in a world largely dominated by the opposite.
You are the source of your joy.
– Prem Rawat, speaking on Sharjah Radio
In Dubai, Prem Rawat also recorded an interview with a journalist at the MBC Group, the largest media company in the Middle East and North Africa, broadcasting on 20 TV channels and radio stations. Prem Rawat’s interview will air soon, and his Media & Press page will be updated with opportunities to watch it online.
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